and so the rose petals were thrown on the staircase leading up to pandora's box… where women from all walks of life… the straights, bendy, queens and dykes... came together to party in what was to be a memorable night…
cross colours… a soul, funk & jazz dj started the proceedings off with some sexy & easy-vibes… we were still getting our drinks on… still going through the organisers jitters of 'where-are-these-women-will-they-come' moments…
they came… the women… they came in dribs and drabs until in the end there were enough of us to fill the venue… way past our 3rd and 4th drinks… taking advantage of the R12 tequillas and R5 shooters until we were comfortable with each other… and with the few men who to their credit respected the space.
and then gears changed as the sassy IrmaG… with her specs on and her sister carefully watching… skilfully took us from loungey to dancey, screamy and then to the hlokolozing stages…
a party this december is not a party until you spot a hlokoloza… i must admit ke shapile one or two moves but it was a lady in a short summer dress with red lips and red nails who properly marked the climax of the party when she hlokolozad on the floor! a woman having a blast among other women… and as we caught our breaths on the balcony… listening to pandora dominating the sounds of lower long street in the early hours of the morning she whispered in my ear with a tipsy giggle… "i have never danced so much before!"…
i smiled… as at the same time from the corner of my eye i noticed a friend approach with the same satisfied, danced out smile that was plastered on most of our faces… and when she said… "freedom!"… i knew pandora had achieved her mission... a space has been created in cape town's monthly nightlife events for women to get together and have a friggin' blast! … we can't wait for the next one!
enjoy the pics that captured some moments from that evening… taken by the talented zanele muholi…
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